Hobaneng re kenya CPE ho lihlahisoa tsa PVC?

Hobaneng re kenya CPE ho lihlahisoa tsa PVC?

PVC Polyvinyl Chloride ke resin ea thermoplastic e entsoeng ka polymerized ho tsoa ho Chlorinated Polyethylene tlas'a ketso ea moqapi. Ke homopolymer ea Vinyl Chloride. PVC e sebelisoa haholo ka thepa ea kaho, lihlahisoa tsa indasteri, litlhoko tsa letsatsi le letsatsi, letlalo la fatše, lithaele tsa fatše, letlalo la maiketsetso, liphaephe, lithapo le likhoele, lifilimi tsa ho paka, libotlolo, thepa e phophomang, thepa ea ho tiisa, likhoele, joalo-joalo.
Melemo e hlahelletseng ea lihlahisoa tsa polasetiki tsa PVC tse akaretsang ke ho lieha ha lelakabe, ho se mamelle, khanyetso ea kutu ea lik'hemik'hale, le khase e tlase le mouoane oa metsi. Ntle le moo, matla a pharalletseng a mochini, lihlahisoa tse pepeneneng, ho kenya motlakase, ho kenya mocheso, ho fokotsa lerata, le ho monyeha ha ts'oenyeho le tsona li ntle, e leng se etsang hore e be thepa e theko e phahameng ka ho fetisisa ea bokahohleng. Leha ho le joalo, litšitiso tsa eona ke botsitso bo futsanehileng ba mocheso le ho hanyetsa tšusumetso, tse ka bakang ho fokola habonolo nakong ea tšebeliso ea PVC e thata le e bonolo. Hobane PVC ke polasetiki e thata, e le ho etsa hore e be bonolo le ho ntlafatsa ho hanyetsa ha eona, ho tlameha ho eketsoa palo e kholo ea polasetiki.
CPE chlorinated polyethylene ke ntho e ntle ka ho fetisisa e thatafatsang bakeng sa PVC. Haholo-holo mofuta oa 135a oa CPE Chlorinated Polyethylene e na le tšusumetso e ntle ea mocheso o tlase, kahoo e sebelisoa haholo-holo e le phetoho ea tšusumetso bakeng sa lihlahisoa tse thata tsa PVC. Tekanyetso ea mofuta oa 135a CPE e sebelisitsoeng e le phetoho bakeng sa li-profiles tsa PVC ke likarolo tse 9-12, 'me litekanyetso tsa likarolo tse 4-6 tse sebelisoang e le phetoho ea liphaephe tsa metsi tsa PVC kapa liphaephe tse ling tse tsamaisang metsi a hatelletsoeng, ho ntlafatsa ka nepo mocheso o tlase. ho hanyetsa ha lihlahisoa tsa PVC. Ka kakaretso, ho eketsa Chlorinated Polyethylene ho lihlahisoa tsa PVC hangata ho na le liphello tse latelang: ho eketsa boima ba sehlahisoa, ho ntlafatsa ho hanyetsa tšusumetso, le ho fetola matla a sehlahisoa.
Ntle le moo, CPE 135A Chlorinated Polyethylene e eketsoa haholo maqepheng a PVC, maqephe, mabokose a polasetiki a calcium, likhetla tsa lisebelisoa tsa lapeng, le lisebelisoa tsa motlakase ho ntlafatsa thepa ea 'mele, ea mochini le ea motlakase ea lihlahisoa tsa PVC.


Nako ea poso: Jul-24-2023